Unemployment, SBA Loans & Stimulus Checks


Unemployment Benefits

After repeated conversations with DEO personnel, Florida Realtors® are now advising members to file for unemployment benefits through the state’s unemployment system, even though they know they will be denied. DEO says this is necessary on their end to establish state benefits ineligibility. Once the state deems them ineligible, they will then be able to apply separately for federal benefits, although that exact process is still being worked out. We recognize this is far from an ideal solution and we are continuing to urge DEO to streamline the process to prevent confusion and get people their benefits faster.

This new information is reflected in Florida Realtors® Comprehensive FAQ on this topic so we encourage you to keep checking this page for new updates. Also, at the top of Florida Realtors® Coronavirus Page is a link to sign up for Florida Realtors® Daily News. We suggest you do that if you haven’t already as they send out important news alerts through that system, as well. 

Financial Assistance / SBA Loans 

The state has exhausted the $50M available for the SBA emergency bridge loan program and the federal government has exhausted the money available in the small business and payroll protection loans that were authorized through the CARES Act. Florida Realtors® are coordinating with NAR to push the federal government for more money for these types of loan programs through a new federal relief package. They are also staying in contact with the governor’s office to see if additional loan funding is available through the state. More information about the federal loan situation can be found on SBA's Coronavirus Page

Stimulus Checks

A new IRS Get My Payment Page is now available to help you check on the status of your Economic Impact Payment. The online application will give you information about your payment status, payment type, and whether the IRS needs more information from you, including bank account information.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the COVID-19 pandemic is evolving daily. Make sure to observe the CDC Guidelines as well as the Federal, State, and Local Orders. For legal questions, please contact the Florida Realtors® Legal Hotline.

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