What Qualifies You to Help Me Buy a House?

Gone are the days of portraying how great a real estate agent you are and how quickly you get the job done for your clients. While that marketing angle may have been an effective strategy for some, it is honestly far from the truth when representing the overall brand and profession. 

Every Realtor® becomes a marketer based on the nature of the profession when working in real estate. Whether you realize it or not, you are a marketer and a vivid storyteller. But have you ever asked yourself this question and answered it truthfully: What makes me qualified to find my buyer's home or list my client's property? The answer may seem easy to some or even silly to others. Still, there seems to be a disconnect between successfully marketing what makes you most unique in a competitive market these days. Digging a little deeper, what are the real advantages of your services? 

When looking to secure a client, you must be able to distinguish between generic talking points and comprehensive knowledge. Instead of relying on statements that inflate who you are, focus on providing extensive knowledge that builds trust and credibility. For example, you just came across a lead and are conversing with a potential buyer. The conversation heads toward you, getting ready to pitch why you are the right agent for the job.

Option 1 Pitch:

I would love to represent you. I have helped many buyers in this area, and I was recently named one of the top rising sales agents in this area. I am confident that I am the right person for the job and can get you into the right home.

There might not be anything alarmingly wrong with the Option 1 pitch, but does it describe the value or menu of services that you really offer? In an ever-changing industry, you should elevate your offerings to sound comprehensive but digestible. In marketing, you have many platforms and mediums to tell a story. Repositioning yourself or your content to cater to that platform allows for a more in-depth and effective communication of your value.

Option 2 Pitch:

I know this area exceptionally well. I do a lot of business around here and have access to the latest statistical data and market knowledge to get you started. One of the things that I love to do with my clients is to provide them with different options that fit their needs. I have an extensive menu of services that itemizes everything and explains my services to get you into that perfect home. I assure you I will work hard for your business and your family. 

Securing clients takes work; sometimes, it takes multiple attempts and follow-up after follow-up. Be intentional with your follow-up and explain your services in depth in an email, on your website, or anywhere else about the value you offer. Most consumers know you can locate properties, but tell them something they don't. Tell them what happens from contract to close and explain how you assess risks throughout the transaction that benefit them. Share insight on how the negotiation process works and cultivate a strategy for their needs.

John Maxwell said, "Growth is a process. It takes time, momentum, and energy. It's a journey. The downs on that journey will lead you to ups – if you learn from the downs properly.”

It's always possible to elevate your business and grow. Don't be afraid to shake things up and try new tactics. They just might be beneficial and yield the results you're looking for. 

By RWorld Staff
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