Florida Realtors® Update Regarding CDC Eviction Moratorium


Florida Realtors® received official word that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) extended its federal eviction moratorium through July 31, 2021.

Florida Realtors® official word that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) extended its federal eviction moratorium through July 31, 2021. This is very disappointing news, particularly for the thousands of Realtor® members who are also housing providers.  

The agency stated in its announcement that this latest extension of the moratorium, which has been in place since September 2020 under the CDC’s powers during a public health emergency, is intended to be the last.  The eviction moratorium prevents housing providers from evicting tenants for a variety of COVID-19-related reasons. 

Following the announcement, the White House released a fact sheet on “Initiatives to Promote Housing Stability by Supporting Vulnerable Tenants and Preventing Foreclosures.”  It outlines plans by the Administration to coordinate across federal agencies and the state, local, and national governments to provide resources for tenants and housing providers who are being impacted by this issue.  

In late May, Florida Realtors® filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Tampa that alleges the moratorium is “an unprecedented and unlawful federal administrative order” that oversteps the CDC’s legal authority. We are currently waiting on the court to rule on the case.  

In the meantime, please visit Florida's rental assistance program (called OUR Florida). The program began accepting and processing applications for rental/utility assistance on May 17th.

Source: Florida Realtors®


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