PBC Update: Restrictions relaxed on Recreational Activities


Message from Vice Mayor Weinroth

The Board of County Commissioners agreed to lift certain restrictions on recreational activities effective Monday, May 18, 2020. For more details, see emergency order. A summary of changes are as follows:

Boating and Marine Activities

  • Services Provided – allowing retail in accordance with EO 20-112.

  • Restaurants – allowing on-premises restaurant dining in accordance with EO 20-112.

 Golf Requirements

  • Allowing golf practice facilities to fully open, with 10ft spacing.

  • Allowing for golf instruction and club fitting on individual basis.

  • Allowing players to arrive 45 minutes prior to tee time instead of 20.

  • Allowing restaurants within clubhouses to open in accordance with EO 20-112;

  • Allowing all golf course restaurants to open in accordance with EO 20-112.

  • Allowing Pro Shop retail access in accordance with EO 20-112.

  • Minimum tee times set to 9 minute intervals from previous 12 minutes.

  • Allow Food and Beverage carts with health and safety restrictions.

  • Players may use a touchless ball removal device to retrieve ball from cup.

Golfer Responsibilities

  • Allow players to arrive 45 minutes prior to tee time instead of 20.

  • Players may use a touchless ball removal device to retrieve ball from cup.

  • Allowing Food and Beverage carts with health and safety restrictions.

Public Parks, Private Parks and Natural Areas

  • Allowing private parks and beach parks to re-open.

  • Allowing dog parks, supervised skate parks, and bicycle tracks as available recreation amenities provided that CDC guidelines and social distancing is observed. Supervision must be present for skate parks and bicycle tracks.

  • Allowing equestrian facilities to reopen under CDC guidelines.

  • Basketball courts may be open.

  • Allowing doubles play for tennis, pickleball and racquetball.

  • B.6.  Recreation buildings and gyms may open in accordance with EO 20-112.

  • Permitting food and beverage concessions in accordance with EO 20-112.

Tennis Courts and Community Pools

  • Removes restriction on doubles play at tennis courts and outdoor racquet facilities.

  • Allowing tennis instruction on individual basis.

  • Adds definition for community pools.

  • Revises management and monitoring requirements for community pools.

*Updated* County Beaches

The county will reopen all public, municipal and private beaches, including beach parks, in Palm Beach County, effective Monday, May 18, with the following conditions and restrictions:

  • Beaches will be open between sunrise and sunset only.

  • Parties accessing the beaches shall follow CDC guidelines by limiting gatherings to no more than

  • 10 persons and distancing themselves from other parties by six feet.

  • Beach operations at the county-owned South Inlet Park will follow restrictions for Boca Raton municipal beaches.

Check with your local municipality for details on beaches openings/restrictions located within their jurisdictions.

*Reminder* Hotels Opening: The BCC also lifted the critical lodging restrictions on hotels in Palm Beach County based on the provisions that local hoteliers are instituting which include a wide-range of safety measures and guidelines concerning COVID-19 to keep guests safe.

Hotels will also be required to adhere to the restrictions implemented under the Governors Phase One openings (i.e., social distancing measures and 50% restaurant occupancy).

*Reminder* The BCC also agreed to implement the Governor's expanded Phase One openings announced today as follows:

Effective Monday, May 18, restaurants, retail, museums and libraries will move to 50% capacity, gyms and professional sports venues may open with restrictions, and large outdoor venues may submit reopening plans to the state and the local governments they are located in. Movie theaters are to remain closed.

Vacation rentals are allowed to rent to other Floridians but not to outside visitors, particularly from hotspots such as New York. Vacation rentals must first submit plans to local governments for approval.

The coronavirus is not going away and we must remain vigilant in following CDC guidelines such as social distancing and frequent hand washing. 

We urge senior citizens and individuals with underlying health conditions to stay at home and take all measures possible to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19. 

Source: Vice Mayor Robert S. Weinroth

Realtor® Safety Guidelines According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and federal and state surgeon generals, Realtors® must protect themselves and customers from exposure to or contraction of COVID-19. Realtors® are advised to follow the recommendations from the CDC found here.


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