Broward Emergency Order 20-27 Clarifies Food, Alcohol & More
Broward County continues to proactively plan for next steps in dealing with this unprecedented pandemic, issuing a clarifying Emergency Order 20-27, effective October 2nd.
Emergency Order 20-27 clarifies the following for establishments that serve food and/or alcohol:
On-premise consumption of food and alcohol must end at 11PM.
Establishments licensed to serve food may operate at up to 100% of indoor capacity if a distance of six feet is maintained between tables, and no more than six people sit at a table. Should an establishment not be able to meet the minimum 50% capacity requirement (as set forth by the Governor's Executive Order), an establishment may, to reach the 50% capacity level, allow patrons to stand at an assigned table or in an assigned area, and must comply with social distancing requirements to the maximum extent possible.
Establishments that only serve alcohol (that are not licensed to serve food) must operate at no more than 50% of the establishment’s indoor capacity.
Total combined occupancy of indoor and outdoor areas shall not exceed existing total maximum occupancy.
Emergency Order 20-27 also:
Permits hot tubs to open in homeowner association (HOA) communities, but operations are subject to more stringent rules that may be imposed by the HOA.
Allows individuals at fitness centers and gyms to remove facial coverings while working out, but requires they be worn by individuals at all times when not engaged in physical activity, such as while moving between machines and around the establishment.
Allows playgrounds and exercise equipment to reopen, so long as the managing entity takes responsibility for regular cleaning and sanitizing of the equipment.
A comprehensive new Emergency Order from Broward County will be issued in the near future, which will realign guidelines and restrictions for various businesses with the Governor’s latest Executive Order.