Broward, Palm Beaches & St. Lucie Realtors®

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Gov. Announces 'Phase 1' plan for PBC

Coronavirus: Governor DeSantis announces Phase 1 reopening of Palm Beach County.

The Governor just announced that on Monday, May 11th, Palm Beach County will enter 'Phase 1' of reopening. Palm Beach County will now be up to speed with the majority of the state in the state-wide initiative to reopen Florida. We are still monitoring COVID-19 and will continue to offer Association and MLS services virtually.

What is 'Phase 1?'

  • During Phase I, schools will remain closed and continue to utilize distance learning. 

  • Visitors to nursing homes and state prisons will continue to be restricted. 

  • Hospitals and surgical centers will be allowed to conduct non-essential, elective procedures, provided they have sufficient PPE supplies. 

  • Parks, golf courses and other outdoor recreation areas will be opened for passive recreation. 

  • Sporting events that broadcast without direct fan attendance will be allowed. 

  • Restaurants will be allowed to open on a limited basis: indoor seating only 25% of capacity and outdoor seating, consistent with social distance guidelines. 

  • Retail is allowed to open with up to 25% of capacity. The following businesses remain closed during Phase I: movie theaters, bars, nightclubs, gyms.

  • No timeline for Phase II has been announced. The timing will be guided by a data-driven approach that assesses positive case rates and hospital capacity.

  • Please Note: Treasure Coast entered 'Phase 1' reopening on May 4th, and Broward County has not yet entered 'Phase 1' reopening.

New Executive Orders Gov. DeSantis issued executive orders to put the phase 1 plan into motion.

Realtor® Safety Guidelines According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and federal and state surgeon generals, Realtors® must protect themselves and customers from exposure to or contraction of COVID-19. Realtors® are advised to follow the recommendations from the CDC found here.